Transform your Dating & Relationship Life!

Alchemy of Love

Are you tired of feeling stuck in your romantic life?

  • Do you feel like your romantic relationships are always ending in heartbreak or disappointment?

  • Do you struggle to communicate effectively with your partner, leaving you feeling unheard and unfulfilled?

  • Perhaps you find yourself repeating the same negative patterns and attracting the wrong kind of partners, without understanding why …

It's frustrating to feel like you're constantly hitting a wall in your romantic life, especially when you know deep down that you're capable of having a fulfilling and loving relationship. The truth is, many people struggle with relationship issues, and it's not always easy to know where to turn for help.

But if you’re truly ready to break free from negative patterns, Alchemy of Love is for you! It’s a program designed to help you create the loving, connected and respectful relationship you deserve, no matter where you are at in your dating or relationship journey!

 What Alchemy of Love Can Help You With:

  • Many clients who are currently single come to me because they want to learn how to relate in a healthy way way before starting a new relationship. They’ve either experienced a recent breakup and would like to understand what went wrong and how to not repeat the same mistakes in their next relationship. Or they’ve been single for a while and are struggling to find a suitable partner. They often have an awareness that something within themselves is holding them back (usually connected with fear of rejection or fear of closeness) but they don’t know how to change that. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, know that you’ve come to the right place! I’ll support you in releasing any blocks you might have towards relationships and help you become an emotionally intelligent, highly self-aware future partner. Most importantly, I’ll help you release that your authentic self is the most loveable person there is!

  • Many people want to improve their relationship without their partners involvement, either because the partner is not interested in coaching or because it feels more like a personal problem that one partner is facing. Either way, it’s a great idea to get support individually because everything you’ll learn will benefit the relationship! Sometimes it’s also necessary to confront uncomfortable truths that are blocking your own happiness in the relationship. I’ll provide a judgement-free space where you can express yourself authentically and learn how to create an atmosphere of love and respect within your relationship.

  • Relationships are worth fighting for! Unfortunately we live in a day and age where new partners are so readily available (dating apps etc) that we are tempted to just end things when the relationship gets hard. However, if you’re able to recover from a crises, a relationship often emerges stronger and more deeply connected than before.

  • Babies, career changes, retirement, unforeseen circumstances - all those experiences can put strain on relationships. I help you navigate those difficult moments and help you get through them as a team. Instead of breaking you apart, I help you use these challenging times to bring you closer together as a couple and feel loved and supported by each other!

Alchemy of Love for Her

Does it feel like every man you’ve been in a relationship with communicates with you in a foreign language?

Well, good news: I speak man!

Did you know that the number one thing men long for in relationships is trust and respect?

Learn to bring out your feminine side, watch his protective, masculine side come out in response, and get swept off your feet by a loving, trustworthy partner who absolutely adores you!

Whether you’re single and tired of endlessly mingling, or in a relationship that seems to have fizzled out, I can help you crack the relationship code for a happy, healthy partnership!

Get in Touch with Your Feminine Side Again.

A big part of my success with romantic relationships is helping couples create polarity, which for you means getting back in touch with your feminine side.

Once you do, you’ll find yourself becoming less stressed, less controlling, and less fearful about relationships – shining with natural beauty instead.

This will open the door for trust-filled relationships that make you an infinitely attractive partner.

Alchemy of Love for Him

Your desire to feel heard, understood, and trusted within your relationship can become a reality.

I’ll help you learn to express yourself in an effective way and create an environment where you’re respected within your relationships.

Feel strong in your masculinity and empowered to lead the relationship from a place of devotion.

Did you know that the number one thing women long for in a partner is emotional connection?

Fulfil her emotionally and see your relationship soar!

Embrace Your Masculine Side.

All this talk about β€œtoxic masculinity” has made us forget that masculine energy is a beautiful force and source of wisdom and strength of every man.

Masculinity is also what makes men so attractive to women.

I’ll encourage your natural, protective and powerful masculinity to show itself so that you and your partner can experience it’s wonderful benefits.

How It Works:

  • Online Program

    Available at a time that suits you, I’ll fit into your schedule with weekly online video or audio calls. My approach is flexible and focused on you. I’ll help you understand what women/men really want in relationships and how you can fulfil their needs as well as communicate your own needs effectively.

  • Session Summary

    After each session you’ll get a summary of observations from the previous session, tied into actions you can take to make change. My clients report that they find the summaries immensely valuable because it gives them a clear overview of their learning, breakthroughs and further resources!

  • Master The Art Of Healthy Relating

    Everything you learn in Alchemy of Love will not just transform your romantic relationships but will help you create respectful and mutual relationships with your friends, family and colleagues. I’ll help you build a strong foundation of self-trust, so that you can be your authentic self around others and feel confident to set appropriate boundaries if you need to.

How Barbara found an amazing partner:

Barbara was already deeply immersed in self development and was amazed that she could go to a whole new level of understanding & connecting with herself through working with me.

With my help she was able to let go of a toxic on/off relationship and instead date a man who wanted the same level of depth and connection in a relationship as her. They are now 1 year together and about to move in together!

To this day he is treating her as the goddess she was born to be - she never felt so cherished in her life and still sometimes ask herself if this is too good to be true!

Barbara was also able to create a completely new relationship with her emotions and realise that her sensitivity is actually an asset instead of an obstacle.


Why Join Alchemy of Love?

✨ Work With A Pro:

If you want to work with a coach that understands the underlying issues quickly, this is your program! Through my extensive studies and experience of working with clients around the topic of conscious relationships and the dynamics between men & women, plus my expertise in emotional healing I can pinpoint within a short period of time what we need to focus on to reach your goals.

✨ I’m Living It:

Sadly, there are many relationship coaches out there that struggle with their own relationship problems - they get (repeatedly) divorced or can’t find a partner. The 7 year relationship with my husband Matt is rock solid and I draw a lot of wisdom from there because I know on a practical level what’s needed to create a relationship harmony and attraction on a long term basis.

✨ Discover The Secrets Of Polarity:

A topic that most relationship coaches know very little about is how to create polarity (the secret ingredient of lasting attraction!) in a long term relationship. This is the KEY to fulfilling marriages as well as enjoying a fun and interesting dating life!

Price & Program Duration

The length of the program depends on one factor - YOU! Some clients need 4 sessions others join me for a 6 month journey - it's up to you! Important is that each coaching session is individualised and tailored to your specific situation.

Coaching Session: $130

Student & Low Income Options Available: 50% discount for low income individuals - please send me a message here.

5 Session Bundle: $500

+ Bonus: Conscious Relationship School Bundle (Value $444)

As a bonus you’ll get exclusive access to the Conscious Relationship School bundle which is the only library of my complete work! Includes several online courses, such as:

  • Cherished Woman

  • Emotional Intelligence Training

  • The Ultimate Guide To Commanding Respect

These foundational courses will help you to understand and master conscious relating and emotional resilience as the foundation of a happy relationship life!

More Client Testimonials:


Join the program today and finally create the relationship success you deserve!